About Us
Melwebhosting first started when he was asked to help maintain the church website. Once I was trained, it ended up with me maintaining it full time. I fell in love with creating websites and I figured I need additional education to further advance my knowledge. I attended Wake Technical College and enlisted in the courses of Web Design, and Photo editing. I began writing html manual using Dreamweaver and other web design programs. I would purchase books and read about web designing in my spare time. During my lunch time at work I would watch videos about writing HTML, Photo editing, and using Flash. In 2006, I had several people request me to build them a website. Then I figure I could do this part time and begin a small business. I wanted to be able to register my own domains, host my own sites, so I contacted Host Gator and signed up as a Reseller. Then another learning curve had approached me. Learning about setting up hosting accounts, registering domains, and DNS, and much more. Although I was so excited and in love with it, it seems more like fun than work. I continued over time to build more sites, and read and watch videos to continue with my knowledge. Currently I have gained so much business that it’s hard to keep up with and work a fulltime job, plus I own a Computer/Phone Repair shop. I have solicited additional help to keep up with the demand. After 11 years, I continue to enjoy building, and strengthen my knowledge for designing websites. I will be doing websites even after retiring from my full time job.
Below is a list of some services I provide.
• Website Design
• Website Hosting
• Domain Registration
• Website Maintenance
• Ecommerce setup for store front
Below are some sites I’ve created.
100000+ Domain Names Registered
90000+ WebSites Hosted
45000+ Customers
What we do
We Keeps Your Website Up and Running
MELWEBHOSTING has been hosting websites for over 15 years with 0 complaints about sites slow to load, sites unavailable due to hosting issues or not compatible with your website and design. We specialize in hosting WordPress websites and to ensure they load fast. We offer 100% refund on any hosting package you select that you are not satisfied without hesitation. We specialize in building various types of sites. We have a team of experts to help ensure your site is built for you specific in mind, and not a click and build site with very little customization, Every part is interchangeable.
Domain Registration and Website Maintenance!
We offer domain registration for .com, .org, .net, .biz, and .us at very competitive prices. We take the work from you by registering the domains and renewing them annually for you. Build your site, make it profitable for you, and forget about the renewals. We got you covered. We will even take care of the website maintenance for you at a very small fee. If you have regular changes, you may select the monthly package, or if your changes are once in a while, maybe fees based on when changes are needed is best for you. Contact us and we’ll help with the best decision for you.
Why Choose Us?

Reliability, Speed and Security
Reliability, Speed and Security is our main goal
Responsive Design
All our sites are very responsive to mobile devices and screen sizes
Easy Knowledge Base
We have plenty of FAQs and knowledge base to assist you.
Free Web Tools & Applications
We offer plenty of free tools and add on in our cpanel with one click install
24/7 Award Winning Support
We focus on quality and then support, which is our top priority
Free Updates Lifetime
Your wordpress website will have lifetime updates to keep you safeMany desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years sometimes by accident humour and the like sometimes on purpose.
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Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years sometimes by accident humour and the like sometimes on purpose.
- Marquis Corey - websitename.com
Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years sometimes by accident humour and the like sometimes on purpose.
- Franklin Brice - websitename.com
Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years sometimes by accident humour and the like sometimes on purpose.
- Desirae Karla - websitename.com
Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years sometimes by accident humour and the like sometimes on purpose.
- Michile Johnson - websitename.com